
Academic Policy

Maximum Time in Which to Complete

          Students are not allowed to attempt more than 1.5 times, or 150%, of the number of credits in their program of study. The requirements for rate of progress are to assure that students are progressing at a rate at which they will complete their programs within the maximum time frame. Note for VA Students only: VA students are required to complete the program in the approved course length.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

 With consideration given to a student’s program of enrollment and the scheduled total hours and credit units, and the “Maximum Time Frame Allowed” (defined as one and one half times the regular scheduled program length) for course completion, Satisfactory Academic Progress is measured at three (3) incremental benchmarks within a student’s program of enrollment, one at the 25% benchmark of the program’s total hours and credit units, second at the 50% benchmark of the program’s total hours and credit units, and the third one at the 100% benchmark of the program’s hours and credit units of their training program.

 In addition to meeting the required benchmark hours and units, to be considered achieving Satisfactory Academic Progress, at each incremental benchmark (25%, 50% and 100%), each student must have achieved a cumulative earned minimum grade point average (G.P.A.) of 70% = C or better on all scheduled program modules.

In determining Satisfactory Academic Progress, students shall be given the opportunity to make-up coursework when the earned module grade is less than 70.0%. The make-up course work receiving a higher grade achievement shall replace the original lesser grade for that module. Credit for all hours of attendance shall be given. Students must request permission to make up work directly from their instructor.

A student achieving a cumulative grade point average below 70% or a “C” at the time of evaluation will be advised of their “Unsatisfactory Academic Progress” and placed on “30-day” Academic Probation. During this period of probation, the student must maintain, at a minimum, a cumulative grade point average of 70% or “C”. If the student is unable to maintain cumulative grade point average 70% or “C” or better during the probation period, the Dismissal Policy might be in effect. Any student dismissed for failure to meet the academic requirements of the institution, may appeal the dismissal by following the Student Appeals Procedure outlined in this catalog.

Grading and Evaluation Procedures

          Grade reports are issued to students at the completion of each term. Grades are based on the quality of work as shown by written tests, laboratory work, term papers, and projects as indicated on the course syllabus.  The grading scale is as follows:

Letter Grade Quality Points Percentage Indicator
A 4.0 100 – 90 % Excellent
B 3.0 89 – 80 % Good
C 2.0 79 – 70 % Average
D 1.0 69 – 60 % Below Average
F 0.0 Below 59 % Failing
I 0.0 Incomplete

Application of Grades and Credits

          The chart above describes the impact of each grade on a student’s academic progress.  For calculating the rate of progress, grades of F (failure), W (withdrawn), and I (incomplete) are counted as hours attempted, but are not counted as hours successfully completed.  A W will not be awarded after reaching 60% of the term.  Withdrawal after reaching 60% of the term will result in the student receiving a F.  The student must repeat any required course for which a grade of F or W is received.  Students will only be allowed to repeat courses in which they received a D or below.  In the case of a D or F, the better of the two grades is calculated into the CGPA.  Both original and repeated credits will be counted as attempted credits in rate of progress calculations.

          A W grade is not replaced when a student repeats the course. Full tuition will be charged for any portion of the program or course lab course that is re-taken. To receive an incomplete (I), the student must petition, by the last week of the term, for an extension to complete the required course work.  The student must be satisfactorily passing the course at the time of petition.  Incomplete grades that are not completed within two weeks after the end of the term will be converted to an F and will affect the student’s CGPA. The college reserves the right to extend the time needed to make-up an incomplete grade.

          As Giligia College offers courses with a specific duration and a coordinated curriculum there are no policies regarding the acceptance of credits earned at other institutions. Nevertheless we have regulations for admission as explained above.

Course Retake Policy

          The course retake policy is offered to students who have unsuccessfully completed a course and received a failing grade (F).  The student will be charged tuition at the appropriate rate.

Leave of Absence

          Students are entitled to take only one leave of absence during any academic year. The duration of the leave of absence may not exceed sixty days. Requests for leave must be submitted in writing to the College Director and must include an anticipated return date and be signed by the student. Failure to return to college as scheduled without prior written notification to and approval from the College Director will result in immediate dismissal. Any refund due will be made within thirty calendar days from the end of an approved leave of absence. The College Director may grant leaves of absence and/or waive interim satisfactory standards for circumstances of poor health, family crisis, or other significant occurrences outside the control of the student. It must be demonstrated by the student that the circumstances had or will have an adverse impact on the student’s satisfactory progress in the academic program. No waivers will be provided for graduation requirements. Time for an approved leave of absence will not be included in the calculation of a student’s maximum program length.

Attendance & Attendance Probation

          At least once a week, the College Director monitors the student attendance cards of all active students and calls those students that have missed one or two days during that week.  Students are required to have an overall attendance rate of 70% or more to meet the minimum attendance requirement of the program. A student who has consecutively missed more than one-third of the scheduled class hours in any given level or module will be put on probation until the end of the next scheduled level or module. A probation letter will be sent to that student.

          Giligia College’s attendance policy approximates the expectations found in a work situation.  It is essential that each student learns the discipline of regular and prompt attendance as well as the skills involved in the allied health industry. At the time the student moves from education and training into a career, employers will be very interested in dependability and punctuality.  No matter how skilled the person, an employee is valuable only when present on the job.

The faculty and staff of Giligia College consider each moment in class imperative for success. When the student is not in the classroom, the information missed cannot be recaptured. Students who are excessively absent (30% or more of classroom hours) will be placed on probation without notice. If student’s attendance does not improve, the student will be dropped from the course. Students will not be readmitted without approval of the primary instructor and College Director.

 If a student is absent for a test he/she will be given an opportunity to retest at the earliest convenience of the instructor. Makeup classes may be required at the discretion of the instructor and with approval of the College Director. A student is considered tardy when arriving 10 minutes or more after the start of class, or leaving 10 minutes or more before the end of class.  Tardiness and early departures are included in the student’s attendance record of absences.

  • One tardy equals one hour of absence;
  • One early departure equals one hour of absence;
  • One tardy and one early departure on the same day equals one hour of absence.

          Note for VA Students only: After the 30 academic probation period, if the students grade is not raised to 70% the VA will be notified and benefits will be interrupted.

Student Conduct Requirements

          Students are expected to dress and act properly while attending classes. At the discretion of the college administration, a student may be dismissed from college for a serious incident or repeated incidents of an intoxicated or drugged state of behavior, possession of drugs or alcohol upon college premises, possession of weapons upon college premises, behavior creating a safety hazard to other persons at college, disobedient or disrespectful behavior to other students, an administrator, or faculty member, or any other stated or determined infractions of conduct.

Termination, Appeal and Reinstatement

          Should students find it necessary to discontinue their training, they should arrange to meet with the College Director to discuss their situation and submit written notification of their request.

          Students shall be terminated for failure to

  • Meet minimum standards for academic progress,
  • Meet the minimum conduct standards of the college, or
  • Fulfill their financial obligations according to their agreement with the college.

          Whether termination of enrollment is voluntary or involuntary, students should realize that they will remain obligated for the amount of tuition and fees due the college based on the refund policy. Students have the right to appeal dismissal decisions made by the college administration by submitting a written request to the College Director describing any mitigating circumstances or conditions, which warrant special consideration.

If the appeal is accepted, the student may be reinstated according to special terms and conditions stipulated by the College Director. Apart from the registration fee of $75 there are no other administrative costs associated with withdrawal or termination.

          Note for VA Students only: The maximum allowable non-refundable registration fee for veterans is $10.

Notice Concerning Transferability & Acceptance of Credits and Credentials Earned at our Institution:

The transferability of credits you earn at Giligia College is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the certificate and credits you earn in any program of Giligia College, is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer.

If the certificate(s) or credit(s) that you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your future educational goals.

This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Giligia College to determine if your credits will transfer. Giligia College does not accept any prior credits from other institutions even though prior education is reviewed during counseling to set educational goals. 

Transfer of Students between Programs at Giligia

          Students transferring from one program to another within the institution will be given credit for all Transcript courses common to both programs.  Transferring between programs is allowable within the first two weeks of a program, or students may officially withdraw from one program and register for a new program in the next quarter. If students finish a program and then request to change, credit will be given only for “like” courses.

          To be considered as a transfer student between programs within Giligia, a student must:

  • Meet the admission requirements of the specific program.
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Be in good financial aid standing

Unofficial Withdrawal

          If the student fails to attend college for more than three weeks, the college will consider the student a drop and automatically withdraw him/her from the program.

Automatic Withdrawal

          A student will automatically be withdrawn from the program for the following reasons:

Ø  Failure to attend college more than three weeks.

Ø  Failure to return from an approved leave of absence on the scheduled return date.

Ø  Failure to maintain satisfactory progress for two consecutive modules.

Ø  Failure to fulfill financial agreements.

Ø  Failing any course in the program twice during the one enrollment period.


Suspended or terminated students may appeal the college’s decision in writing to the College Director. The College must receive the appeal from the student within three business days of being notified of the dismissal. All appeals will be responded to within ten (l0) business days of receipt by the college.

Graduation Requirements

A certificate of completion will be awarded to those students meeting the graduation requirements.  Students eligible for a certificate of completion are those who have satisfactorily completed their course of study with appropriate number of quarter credits with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C Average), who have passed the final exam with a letter grade of C or better, and who have fully paid all tuition charges.

 If a third-party is paying for your course, the college will not issue the course completion record until the course has been completely paid in full.  If a student does not meet graduation requirements, records of his/her attendance and grading will be maintained through official transcripts.

Student Services & Graduate Placement Information

Giligia College does not guarantee employment to any student upon graduation.  Giligia College does provide all graduates with assistance regarding placement opportunities, resume preparation, employment and internship search assistance and interview counseling & advising concerning job search and job interview techniques.

Placement assistance is available to all graduates of the institution.  Additionally, Giligia College is required under California law to track placement of it graduates of its programs and to verify placement 2 months after employment.

          Our College Director, Student Services and Placement Coordinator will assist you in your job search.

          This assistance consists primarily of educating students in developing the ability to successfully perform these tasks as they begin to seek employment.

Ø  Preparing resumes

Ø  Developing education plan with counselor

Ø  Developing job interviewing skills

Ø  Identifying job position openings

Ø  Following up with employers after interviews

Ø  Negotiating wages and benefits

Ø  Maintaining employment once hired

Ø  Securing opportunities for advancement once hired

Ø  Developing and utilizing a network of professional contacts who can aid the job search effort

          A successful job search is dependent upon the confidence, willingness, and preparedness of the applicant. Students and graduates are encouraged not to place restrictions on their job search endeavors regarding location, starting salary, and specific benefits. Any employment students or graduates may obtain through the Institute’s assistance will, in all probability and likelihood, be an entry?level position.

          Note: Throughout their program, students receive instruction on resume preparation, market research techniques and interviewing skills. While in training, students are constantly advised regarding opportunities for job interviews, how to prepare and appear at job interviews, and how to conduct themselves during job interviews. The Institute offers helpful reference sources to assist students in locating firms and geographic areas offering employment opportunities related to their training.

Retention of Records

Giligia College will maintain student records permanently, as required by state law. Students have the right to access their records anytime that the institution is open and during normal business hours.  Students desiring to obtain and/or view their records may request to see their records in the college records office during normal business hours or may schedule a time to review records that is convenient to both the student and the college administration. If an appointment is made, the appointment shall be made no later than 48 hours after the student has requested to view their records.

Extensions of this time shall be granted only upon decision of the student. Only the student and the college administration have the right to review student records. No outside personnel will be allowed to view records except for appropriate state regulatory, federal regulatory, accrediting agency officials or upon proper subpoena. A transcript for course work will be issued upon request by the student. All transcripts of training will be kept permanently upon completion or withdrawal of the student.

Financial payment documents will be kept for a permanently after completion or withdrawal of the student. The institution reserves the right to issue transcripts for training for which the student has paid tuition. The institution reserves the right to refuse to issue transcripts for training for which the student has not paid.

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